all Zweiradler Tours

Days 781–794Ulaanbaatar

The Mongol Empire (with David) • The Bogd Khan

Karakorum and Ulaanbaatar: The Mongolian Capitals

Published on 02.09.2024, 14:50 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Day 776
Day 780
Day 781
Day 782
Day 783
Day 784
Day 789
Day 790
Day 792

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Karakorum und Ulaanbaatar: Die mongolischen Hauptstädte.

For the first time since our winter break in Tbilisi we are taking a break for more than just three or four days in Ulaanbaatar – so there is now a second podcast episode from this city. We have once again invited David to tell us something about the nature of the medieval Mongolian Empire and its capital Karakorum and we ourselves report on our almost two-week break in what is probably the only modern city in this country: Ulaanbaatar. For example, how we met the Slovenian president’s husband in the Natural History Museum or about our visit to the Winter Palace of Bogd Khan, the only Buddhist theocratic ruler in Mongolia.

We always appreciate your critisism, praise and other suggestions or hints and invite you to send us them via!

We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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